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Brain Injury Recovery
People from all over the world seek our 70 years’ experience in treating the most complex traumatic brain injuries and illnesses. We bring you the latest and most promising treatments and therapies.
We are discovering new approaches and applying research, real time, in the first-ever 'translational' research rehabilitation hospital where clinicians, scientists, innovators and technologists work together in shared, flexible spaces surrounding patients.
Programs, Services & Patients
You want to recover what’s most important in your life — mobility, independence, walking or speaking again. Together, we reach for your goals.

Brain Injury Recovery — What sets us apart?
See what sets us apart from other rehabilitation hospitals, and why our outcomes for patients with brain injury are exceptional.
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Brain Injury Specialty Services
Our wide array of services for brain injury patients will help you and your family navigate your recovery.
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Kyle’s Story: Back to an Active Lifestyle Following a Brain Injury
A car accident caused Kyle’s severe brain injury, which affected his speech, mobility, memory and activities of daily living.
read moreHow We Heal
Our integrated team of physicians, nurses, therapists, researchers and case managers understands the most complex injuries. They create programs for each patient – tailored to your individual goals. Therapy may take place in one or several ability labs.
Science-Driven Care
With more than 250 clinical trials under way, access to the world’s best research directly affects your recovery.Clinical Trials & Research Studies
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Neuromodulation and Neurorehabilitation for Treatment of Functional Deficits after mTBI plus PTSD
The purpose of this study is to alleviate persisting attention deficits related to mild TBI and PTSD by treating the neurocognitive system of attention.
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