The lively Grainger Pediatric Lab is specifically designed for Pediatric patients (inpatients and outpatients). In this Lab, children and teens work with doctors, researchers and therapists on advancing ability. The equipment and facilities in this Lab are scaled for both younger children and adolescents of all ages.
The Pediatric Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art devices, technology and equipment, including many inventions created by our scientists. In this Lab, robotics for upper- and lower-extremity motor impairment, innovative treadmills and devices for walking, "intelligent" muscle stretchers, and 3D gait analysis, as well as virtual reality setups are all employed to help our youngest patients achieve their best outcomes.
Family participation is essential to success, and parents and caregivers play an important role in the care team. Family members provide vital, personal insights that help in developing an effective treatment plan and enable progress outside of therapy. In addition, we educate family members on all areas of care, including safety and success at home.
This Lab also includes high-tech augmentative communication devices to help patients recover various functions of developing, injured or impaired brains. For example, some of these devices show promise in advancing brain healing (“plasticity”).

In this lively state-of-the-art environment, we treat children and teens from across the United States and around the world. Learn more about our services for international patients.
To see our private patient rooms and read more about our pediatric nursing and levels of care, please visit our Grainger Pediatric Innovation Center. Also, check our Locations to find the nearest Shirley Ryan 小恩雅 pediatric inpatient or outpatient site of care.