The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Home and Community Based Services focuses on person-centered service delivery and outcomes measurement that inform the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of federal and state home and community-based programs, policies, and interventions.
Please visit the Center's page to view a list of projects.
You can also read and subscribe to our newsletter, HCBS Quality Matters. It contains updates on our RRTC's research projects, profiles of RRTC staff and collaborators and information about upcoming webinars and other opportunities to learn more about our work.

A multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee will serve a prominent role in the RRTC’s activities. This group will provide guidance, input, and feedback on research and knowledge translation activities.
The Advisory Committee will include a Participant Council and an Implementation and Adoption Council. The Participant Council’s charge is to assure that research and knowledge translation activities support a person-centered focus, and are meaningful and useful to the people who use HCBS. Participant Council members will include adults with physical, developmental, mental health, and aging-related disabilities. The Implementation and Adoption Council’s charge is to provide feedback about the implementation of measures that could result in improved person-centered outcomes. Its members will include representatives of HCBS organizations, providers, and state Medicaid programs.
For consult or more information about home and community based services, contact us at:
Mentioned Profile

Allen Heinemann, PhD
Director, Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Professor, Department of PM&R, Feinberg School of Medicine, NorthwesternMentioned Profile