
CROR Outcomes is a quarterly newsletter featuring research updates on our projects at our RRTC on Employment and Disability. to CROR Outcomes to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and issues related to disability and employment, hear from experts in the field, and read about our staff.
Read back issues of CROR Outcomes.

HCBS Quality Matters provides updates on research on HCBS, person-centeredness and outcomes for people who use HCBS. to HCBS Quality Matters to read high-quality, in-depth interviews with service providers, people who receive services, thought leaders and more. Our "Literature Corner" will keep you current on the latest published research related to HCBS.
Read back issues of HCBS Quality Matters

MRSCICS Matters is the newsletter of the Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System (MRSCICS). Email to subscribe and read about topics related to living with a spinal cord injury, updates from the research world, and opportunities for people with spinal cord injury to get involved.