Older adults, or people who have experienced a stroke, often face difficulties in their ability to walk. Community based walking programs have been shown to improve walking distance and speed. The addition of a wearable robot to provide additional support during walking may help improve gait mechanics, and enhance overall physical activity. The purpose of this study is to trial a new soft wearable robot designed to be used by older adults, or people who have experienced a stroke. The robot provides power at both hips to help people with walking.

Participants will come to the research lab to learn how to safely use the soft wearable robot, and use an App on their phone that interfaces with the robot. Participants will take the robot home for 4 weeks, to use the robot as part of a walking program. Participants will also perform a series of walking, balance, and mobility tests both before and after the home trial, to track if any changes in ability have occurred.
Subject Population
- Be at least 6 months post-stroke, or an adult older than 65 with no known neurological diagnosis
- 18-89 years old
- Must had adequate cognitive function (Mini Mental State Exam score greater than 17)
- Ability to walk at least 10 meters with maximum assist of 1 person
- Able to safely fit into the WIM exosuit
- Be willing to install the WIM App on their smartphone