Cristina Mix, OTR/L
About Me
About Me
Cristina (Cris) Mix is an Education Program Manager and Peer Mentor Coordinator at the Henry B. Betts LIFE Center, bringing 38 years of experience as an occupational therapist. She educates patients, families, staff and communities about specific health conditions, specializing in spinal cord injuries (SCI), and is a recognized speaker at national conferences. As Peer Mentor Coordinator, she is responsible for all operations of the peer mentor program, such as recruiting and coaching peer mentors, as well as connecting patients with peer mentors. Peer mentors are skilled individuals who provide support, hope and perspective regarding living with an injury or medical condition. She leads educational sessions, including the PEEK program (Patient Empowerment through Education and Knowledge) and facilitates peer mentor panels for patients with a focus on condition specific experiences and for clinical and medical professional to promote the importance of peer mentoring across the Shirley Ryan 小恩雅 continuum of care. Additionally, she collects and analyzes data for the Peer Mentor program and provides guidance on its integration into patient-family education and research initiatives.
Shirley Ryan 小恩雅
355 East Erie Street
Chicago, IL 60611