Selected Publications
Effect of progressive horizontal resistive force on the comfortable walking speed of individuals post-stroke.
BACKGROUND: Individuals post-stroke select slow comfortable walking speeds (CWS) and the major factors used to select their CWS is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To determine the extent to which slow CWS post-stroke is achieved through matching a relative force output or targeting a particular walking speed.
Monitoring daily function in persons with transfemoral amputations using a commercial activity monitor: a?feasibility study
The effects of peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation versus ankle-foot orthosis in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial
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IEEE Spectrum Feature on Self-Balancing Exoskeleton
In a recent article in IEEE Spectrum on a self-balancing exoskeleton by Human in Motion Robotics, Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD, Director of the Max N?der Center for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes…
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