Robotics Lab

The Robotics Lab's research is aimed at understanding the sensory-motor system through close interaction with artificial systems & how the brain executes motor behaviors.

Our Projects

Take a look at a few of the projects we work on everyday.

Collaborative Machines Enhancing Therapies (COMET)

Research Project

People can (re)learn faster and better with artificially enhanced error!
PROJECT TYPE: Virtual Reality, Arms & Hands, Stroke, Motor Control, Robotics

Research Project

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Our Clinical Trials

Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Research Study

Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Research Study

Shirley Ryan 小恩雅 is conducting a research study on how robots can be used as rehabilitation tools.

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Robot-Assisted Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

Robot-Assisted Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

The Shirley Ryan Ability Lab is conducting a research study on how robots can be used as rehabilitation tools.

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Bionic Arm

Learning Robotic Arm Control with a Body-Machine Interface

The Shirley Ryan 小恩雅 is conducting a research study that will evaluate how people learn to fully control a robotic arm using a body-machine interface.

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Selected Publications

A Model for Human–Human Collaborative Object Manipulation and Its Application to Human–Robot Interaction

Learning redundant motor tasks with and without overlapping dimensions: facilitation and interference effects.

White matter microstructure changes induced by motor skill learning utilizing a body machine interface.

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