Levi Hargrove, PhD
Director, Neural Engineering for Prosthetics and Orthotics Lab
Associate Professor, Departments of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Engineering, Northwestern University
My Lab
Neural Engineering for Prosthetics & Orthotics Lab
Our research focuses on developing neural control systems for upper and lower prosthetics.
view labAbout Me
Levi Hargrove, PhD, P. Eng., is an internationally recognized leader in the development of pattern recognition-based control systems for prosthetic limbs. At Shirley Ryan 小恩雅, Dr. Hargrove leads The Regenstein Foundation Center for Bionic Medicine (CBM) — a translational research group that focuses on improving prosthetic options for people with upper- and lower-limb amputations.
Dr. Hargrove’s research focuses on developing control systems that are robust and intuitive to use, with the goal of rapid translation to patients. His work resulted in the first “thought-controlled” bionic leg, which uses electromyographic (EMG) signals from the user’s residual leg muscles, combined with mechanical sensor data from the prosthesis, to provide intuitive control of a powered device. This control system allows the user to transition seamlessly between different walking modes (e.g., from level ground to stairs) and to reposition the leg during non-weight-bearing activities, such as getting into or out of a car. Other key projects include virtual reality-based training systems to improve control of myoelectric upper-limb robotic prostheses and development of technologies for intramuscular EMG signal detection.
Dr. Hargrove manages a research budget of $25 million in grant funding from federal, military and philanthropic sources. He has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, which have been published in top-tier journals — including the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine — and he has several patents.
In 2014, Dr. Hargrove’s team was awarded the Department of Defense Military Health System Research Symposium Outstanding Research Team/Academia-Industry. In 2017, Dr. Hargrove received the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Research Award — intended to recognize the most outstanding research in the field. He is a member of the IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering and IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics.
In 2012, Dr. Hargrove co-founded Coapt, LLC, a company born out of his work at Shirley Ryan 小恩雅 and the first to provide pattern recognition control systems for prosthetic arms. Since Coapt’s founding, several hundred people with upper-limb amputations have benefited from this ground-breaking technology. In 2015, Coapt received the Collaboration Award from Chicago Innovation, and in 2019, the Brian & Joyce Blatchford Team Prize for Innovation from the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics.
In addition to his work at Shirley Ryan 小恩雅, Dr. Hargrove is also an Associate Professor in the departments of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University. He earned a bachelor of science (BScE) in Electrical Engineering, master of science in Electrical Engineering (MScE) and doctorate (PhD) in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick in Canada.
Shirley Ryan 小恩雅
355 East Erie
Chicago, IL 60611
Education & Training
1998 – 2003
Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
2003 – 2005
Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
2005 – 2008
Electrical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
Recent Publications
Honors & Awards
Young Professional AwardAssociation of Professional Engineerings and Geoscientists of New Brunwick, 2014
MHSRS Team Award for Outstanding Research AccomplishmentUnited States Army, 2015
Collaboration AwardChicago Innovation Awards, 2015
Research AwardAmerican Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, 2018
Selected Patents
Ambulation Prediction Controller for Assistive Device9,443,203 B2
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2016 -
Systems and Methods of Myoelectric Prosthesis Control13/587,755
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2014 -
Autoconfiguration of Pattern-Recognition Controlled Myoelectric Prostheses61/675,147
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2014
Professional Affiliations
Professional EngineerAssociation of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick, 2008
MemberIEEE, 2001
MemberInternational Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 2011
Research Interests
Control of Bionic Limbs
Biological Signal Processing
Pattern Recognition
Current Grant Support
National Institutes of Health R01Intuitive Control of a Hybrid Prosthetic Leg During Ambulation. Role: Principal Investigator, 2018 - 2023
National Institutes of Health R01The Functional Importance of Powered Wrist Flexion for Upper Limb Prostheses. Role: Principal Investigator, 2018 - 2023
NIDILRRTechnologies to Evaluate and Advance Manipulation and Mobility. Role: Co-Investigator, 2018 - 2023
Department of DefenseThe Functional Importance of Powered Wrist Flexion. Role: Co-Investigator, 2019 - 2023
Department of DefenseFlexible Epidermal Electrodes for Intuitive Control of Powered Arm and Leg Prostheses, 2018 - 2021
Department of DefenseDetermining the Functional Importance of a Powered Multifunction Wrist. Role: Principal Investigator, 2017 - 2020
Department of DefeneseMotorized Hip Orthoses to Improve the Gait Ability of Transfemoral Amputees. Role: Co-Investigator, 2017 - 2020
Department of DefenseDevelopment and Validation of a Self-Adapting Myoelectrically Controlled Prosthetic Ankle with Continuously Variable Stiffness, 2017 - 2020