Linda Ehrlich-Jones, RN, PhD
Research Professor, of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine
My Lab
Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR)
This lab focuses on outcome studies, measuring the long-term impact of medical rehabilitation in patients with disabilities.
view labAbout Me
Dr. Linda Ehrlich-Jones is Associate Director of the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research at Shirley Ryan 小恩雅. She has been involved in the creation of behavioral interventions using motivational interviewing, targeting persons with chronic illness to increase physical activity and improve diet. She has served as PI and co-I on projects funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), the National Institutes of Health, the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation and other organizations and foundations.
She oversees the Rehabilitation Measures Database, a compendium of summaries of more than 550 instruments that gets over 5 million page views per year. She works with students, educators and professionals around the country to develop summaries and gather and validate psychometric and other data associated with each measure, collaboratively produces educational resources about the database and delivers trainings and lectures on the database.
Dr. Ehrlich-Jones is also a Research Professor in the department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She is a Fellow of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.
She received her Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Knox College and Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Rush University in Chicago, her Master of Science in Nursing from Loyola University in Chicago, and her PhD in Nursing Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Shirley Ryan 小恩雅
355 East Erie
Chicago, IL 60611
Education & Training
1978 – 1980
Nursing, Rush University
1985 – 1987
Medical-Surgical Nursing, Loyola University
1990 – 2001
Nursing Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
Featured Research
Recent Publications
Honors & Awards
Fellow, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine2023
FellowAmerican Academy of Nursing, 2021
Addie Thomas Service AwardAssociation of Rheumatology Health Professionals, 2014
Professional Affiliations
Member Board of DirectorsRheumatology Research Foundation, 2012 - 2015
PresidentAssociation of Rheumatology Health Professionals, 2009 - 2010
MemberMotivational Interviewing Network of Trainers, 2006
Research Interests
Behavioral Interventions
Rheumatic Diseases
Education and Training
Selected Grants
Enhancing Rehabilitation Participation in Patients with SCI/D Using Motivational InterviewingCraig H. Neilsen Foundation, 2023 - 2026
DRRP on KT to Promote Patient-Centered Care Through Use of Standardized AssessmentsNIDILRR grant 90PK0007, 2020 - 2025
NIDILRR90IF0093-01-00, 2015 - 2018
NIH/NIAMSU34AR064513, 2014 - 2016
Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Foundation739, 2014 - 2015
Retirement Research Foundation2011-027, 2011 - 2014
NIH/NINR1K23NR012225, 2010 - 2013