Tim Haswell, MS
Neuromuscular Control and Plasticity (Perreault) Lab
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Engineering (Pons) Lab
My Lab
Neuromuscular Control Lab
Our lab is focused on the mechanisms underlying the multijoint control of movement and posture in able-bodied individuals and in individuals with neuromotor pathologies. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the relative contributions of intrinsic muscle properties, limb geometry and neural activation in the control of whole limb function.
view labAbout Me
Tim supports research efforts by building and programming data acquisition and motor control systems, fabricating custom fixtures, and maintaining lab electronics. He also manages IRB protocols and trains students on research procedures.
Shirley Ryan 小恩雅
355 East Erie St
Chicago, IL 60611
Education & Training
2010 – 2010
Marquette University, Milwaukee
Masters of Science, Biomedical Engineering
2003 – 2003
Marquette University, Milwaukee
Undergraduate, Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests
Designing, building, and programming new research devices.